SWTOR 7.0 Corruption Sorcerer—PvE Healing Guide


Note: Healing numbers, Force, activation times and cooldowns are based on level 80 with no gear equipped.


Level Granted: 19
Cooldown: 1m 30s
Description: Grants 2 charges of Recklessness, which increases the Force critical chance of your direct attacks and heals by 60%. Each time a direct Force ability critically hits or each time a channeled Force ability is activated, 1 charge is consumed. Lasts 20 seconds.

Polarity Shift

Level Granted: 43
Cooldown: 2m 00s
Description: Your connection to the Force shifts, granting 20% alacrity and immunity to pushback and interrupts for 10 seconds.


Level Granted: 39
Force: 14
Cooldown: 12s
Range: 30m
Description: Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative mental and Force effects.

Consuming Darkness

Level Granted: 35
Description: Consumes the Dark energy around you, restoring 40 Force. Utilizing Consuming Darkness makes you Weary, reducing your Force regeneration rate by 2 for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.


Level Granted: 47
Force: 27
Cooldown 1m 00s
Range: 30m
Description: Lowers the target’s threat by a moderate amount and, if the target is a group member, pulls the target to your location.


Level Granted: 4
Force: 9
Cooldown: 20s
Description: Deals 833 – 1606 energy damage and knocks back up to 8 enemies with a 15-meter cone in front of you, binding them in electricity and immobilizing them for 5 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally knocked down for 3 seconds. Direct damage dealt after 2 seconds end the immobilize effects prematurely.


Level Granted: 68
Activation: .50s
Cooldown: 1.5s
Description: Activating this ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Phase Walk goes on cooldown for 60 seconds when used to return to the marked location.


Level Granted: 60
Activation: 1.50s
Force: 27
Cooldown: 5m 00s
Range: 30m
Description: Revives an incapacitated ally. This ability is usable while in combat. When used, you can not use an in-combat revival for the next 5 minutes.


Level Granted: 19
Cooldown: 18s
Range: 30m
Description: Interrupts the target’s current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.

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