The Exodus—Guild Contract Policy
To try and maximize guild activity points being earned and to give guild members more of a chance to earn activity, please do not exceed more than 10% personal contribution in the Guild Dynamic Event contracts and Guild Dungeon contracts.
If you go over the 10% limit a little bit, that is okay. Just try and monitor your contribution and be considerate so others have a chance to participate in them.
Guild Dungeon Contracts:
- Shadow Crypt
- Syleus’s Abyss
- Sanctum of Desire
- Saurodoma Island
- Temple of Sylaveth
- Ant’s Nest
- Temple of Truth
- Crimson Mansion
- Bercant Estate
Example of guild contract types:

In regards to Abyssal Contract Tokens and burning them, please do not go to a Guild Dungeon contract for token burning (unless you are not going to exceed your 10% personal contribution limit). Members can enjoy their token burn grinding using another open-world dungeon that is not the Guild Dungeon contract.
This policy does not effect the Guild Threat contract, only the Dynamic Event and Dungeon contracts!
Remember, we are helping others achieve activity points and helping the guild earn activity. If you are not token burning then feel free to contribute 10% to the Guild Dungeon contract that is available.
Please note: There may be times where guild leadership might have members ignore the limit if a contract will not be completed by reset.
This will help the guild overall increase in rank, provide more opportunities for guild members to participate in guild contracts and to help give others a chance to gain activity points.